Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Criminal Minds

Have you ever thought about the characters in one of your favorite shows or to even get into more detail the women in the shows? Well I picked Criminal Minds. This show has three women and four men. Let me tell you a few interesting things about the show.
The main ages for the characters I would say are between 25 and 45 but I guess it is hard to say nowadays with all the plastic surgery's but from what I see that is my guess. All of them have very good skin and all but one are what looks like in good shape. There is no one over 40 that looks over weight to me but the really blonde hair girl looks like she is about 35 and a little overweight. The main leading roll I would have to say is the man. They all have a big important roll in the show but the main man in like the captain of everyone and tells them what they should be doing.
Overall the characters in the show are usually dressed pretty nicely. A big conflict is sometime the girls are dressed a little revealing but in this show that is not the case. They all dress professional besides the little overweight girl she kind of has her own style but it is not tacky. That's what I like about this show in particular. Also that their on every week. The girls are always dressed professionally and in the show there really important and their treated just as equal as any other man in the place. This is one of those shows you don't watch if you trying to find men degrading women. That is my personal opinion though.
I don't really know for sure if any of them are homosexual or not. From my understanding I think they are all straight but maybe if I watched it again I could answer that question one hundred percent. Overall the Audience is intended for viewers I would say a little older because of the blood, violence, and some language.
In conclusion this show does a good job of portraying women I think. Gives them equal rights, and doesn't degrade any of them.


As I've grown up we have usually always ate fruit e pebbles or something a long those lines. When my mom used to buy Frosted Flakes I hated them I thought they were nasty! So as years went on my mom stopped buying them because I didn't like them. About a year and a half ago my friend only had frosted flakes in here house and that was pretty much it and we were starving. I poured myself a bowl and to my surprise I loved them! Now today there one of my favorite cereals but its hard to ever get them in the house because my mom still can't keep in her head that I like them now!
Today Frosted Flakes are on of my favorite cereals to have. "They're Grrrrrrreat!" catches me every time I hear them on the TV. It kinda reminds me back to the day I figured out I liked them again.

Association: If you plant a seed you could save a life and maybe grow your own field so you and all of your friends could play on it.
Bribery: If you plant a seed you and your friends could be happy.
Experts: Were talking when they were discussing the project plant a seed grow a field.
Plain Folks: All the kids running out to the field looked normal. If you grow a field you will have so much fun playing with your friends on that field. You could be that kid.
Repetition: "They're Grrrrrreat!" the normal slogan used for Frosted Flakes but it wasn't in this particular add but I could remember it the whole time.