Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Your Vote

I think it is important to vote in elections because your vote does count. If your bitter about the winner and keep complaining and complaining well, then maybe you should have vote. The last election I could not vote. If I could of I really don't know who I would of voted for because since I couldn't vote I tried not to get to involved with either of them. I was saving the stress for when I turned 18 instead. Not that I didn't care because I do think it is important I just was going to save all the headaches for when it would actually matter. I think the election is important and you everyone should try to be apart of it.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Image is very important in our society today. People judge right off the bat that's why we have mostly have had good looking presidents. Today if president Lincoln ran for president I think nobody would vote for him. They say his voice wasn't all that great but his looks weren't all their either. People right away would judge and possibly not vote for him. If people see that a candidate for an upcoming election is well kept, is a people person and overall talks respectable, people will appeal to that and automatically draw to him when voting.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Downloading Music

Personally I don't have one of them downloading websites on my computer to get music. I get my music from my friends. Will be in the car and they will have a really good CD so I will ask if I can put it on my computer. I'm not exactly sure where they get their music from but that's how I get mine. I never knew that was considered illegal until I read this. I think if there going to make such a big deal out of it, they should educate kids more. I'm a prime example on someone who didn't have a clue.

If I was an artist and didn't get paid for a lot of songs that I spent hours and hours on, that would suck. There also loosing money and if that's their career then they need people to pay for their songs so they can live. All that hard work for nothing. So I guess if I was an artist I would like people to pay for my music. That's a big thing to try to control though so that might be difficult.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Me and Music

Through out my years so far on this earth Michael Jackson has been a part of it you could say. I'm not the biggest Michael Jackson fan, actually I think he is kind of creepy in a way, but I do like some of his songs. He has a big influence on music and I respect that. The day Michael died all I can remember is that a charles angels member also died. Everyone was paying so much attention to michael that she didn't even matter. Anyways, I remember seeing him absolutely everywhere and on every TV channel or show. His death was a huge deal! As the shows continued for awhile it kept bringing me back to those few songs that I actually enjoyed. It was really sad when they would show stuff from his old shows. Like I said I never was a huge Jackson fan but when he died it really opened my eyes and made me remember how much of an impact he made in music. After awhile when the shows were slowly fading away I actually downloaded one of his songs and was listening to him more which was weird because songs cost money and usually I wouldn't waste my money away on him. I would compare his music with other songs and it just got me thinking. Our songs nowadays are so much different. They are pretty much just a sound, no meaning behind some of them. (rap music I'm meaning) It's very sad that he died but in a good way it's okay that he did. He got me to start listening to older songs that are much better and expand my music interest more. Jackson made an impact not only on my music but me as well. Possibly it did the same for a lot more people and they could see the difference it made for them as well.