Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Downloading Music

Personally I don't have one of them downloading websites on my computer to get music. I get my music from my friends. Will be in the car and they will have a really good CD so I will ask if I can put it on my computer. I'm not exactly sure where they get their music from but that's how I get mine. I never knew that was considered illegal until I read this. I think if there going to make such a big deal out of it, they should educate kids more. I'm a prime example on someone who didn't have a clue.

If I was an artist and didn't get paid for a lot of songs that I spent hours and hours on, that would suck. There also loosing money and if that's their career then they need people to pay for their songs so they can live. All that hard work for nothing. So I guess if I was an artist I would like people to pay for my music. That's a big thing to try to control though so that might be difficult.

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